Blue Cube Almost Finished/Game Engine Change

I am working on the blue cube area of the map and it is going great so far! It's a great learning experience for game making. So if this game doesn't work out, then other games are gonna be better. I switched my game engine that I used originally and I love it so much. Construct 2 is an older version but it still works. It's much more fluent then my previous engine, Stencyl. Mainly because Stencyl was used for flash games. This also means that I may have to restart on SOLEMN, but if It gets more use then Stencyl the I will make SOLEMN bigger and better! Just want to let you guys know. I'm still gonna be making games and making history! That's my moto. Hopefully my indie game development career can make others happy the way making them makes my happy... Stay Wise! -Alexander Wiseman


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A bigger Solemn possibly sounds awesome to. Cant wait to see what you come up with in your career:)

Thank you:)